Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blogger vs Word Press - Where do I start?

Day two of my entrée into blogger land!  Yesterday I wrote my first blog ever!  My kids blog and text. 
 "Mom!!! Your first blog looks like a travel blog!  If you write about anything else, you have to open a new blog!"

I wrote about our weekend trip to Gig Harbor.  What got me started?  We went to Barbara Hawkin's Silva Life Systems workshop in Gig Harbor, and I asked:
"How am I going to make an extra $20,000 per year to put my kid through college?"

Barbara: "Visualize your kids graduating from college instead of worrying about how to make the money.  When you do this, the answer will come."

Of course.  So Saturday night, we went back to our motel, and I googled "Silva Method" and Weight control, on my iPhone.  I clicked on one of the links, and up popped an article on

Me: "Hum.  Manifesting made easy."
Okay.  So the next morning at the workshop I told Barbara and everyone about this.  Blogging for Money?  Can this be better than trying to write apps for the iPhone, or building commercial websites, or is this a distraction?

Okay, okay, okay.  When I got home from work Monday night, after feeding the kids, I went online and did some research. One of my girlfriends her in Lake Oswego is a blogger, but she has never done it for money.  Between the two of us, we covered a lot of territory.  She is on WordPress, so I started my first blog on last night.  Tonight, I read on, and find that Blogsvertise is looking for blogs that are mature - at least 30 days old.

I kept researching, and it was unclear whether I could blog for blogsvertise on WordPress.  Another blogger friend from the Silva Life Systems workshop turned me onto a Blogger vs WordPress blog.  It said you can't do this on WordPress, but you can on Blogger.  So here I am on day two.

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