Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Manually Installing WordPress on Windows host at Arvixe vs Brinkster

I thought this was going to be hard, since one of my hosting sites, Arvixe.com, is not that user friendly. Nothing in the Arvixe knowledgebase in this topic.

Brinkster.com is my other hosting site, and it is much easier to use.
The chat session people are friendly and very American, and understand what I want, and are very helpful. Brinkster.com has in their knowledgebase how to install a WordPress site.

I surfed the web and found this great blog on:
How to manually install WordPress on a Windows host at Arvixe.
tech.jaressloo.com/June 2010

In a nutshell here are the steps:
  1. Download the latest version of WordPress from WordPress.org to your local computer.
  2. Open the index.php file, and change line 17 (or there abouts) :

    • It says that it’s Line 17 in your index.php file. If you look at line 17 in your
      index.php file in the root directory of your blog (not in the
      wp-admin) folder, you should see a call to wp-blog-header.php.
    • So, the natural thing to do is to change
      the index.php file on line 17 instead of saying “./wp-blog-header.php
      to change that to “wp-blog-header.php” (without the ./ in the
      begging). If you make that change, you’ll see that it works now! BUT
      only for the two themes provided in WordPress (as of 2010).

  3. When I tried it, it seemed to work for all the themes that I chose (August 2011)

  4. Read through the Word Press 5 minute install document.
  5. Login to Arvixe.
  6. Under the Database tab, select a MySQL database. WordPress works with MySQL (not SQL Server)
  7. Add a new MySQL database - give it a name (e.g. wpSQLdbBlogA)

  8. Add a username and password for this new MySQL database '


    (e.g. 'wpSQLdbUsername' and 'wpSQLdbPassword$')

  9. On your local machine, make a copy of this file: wp-config-sample.php
  10. Rename the copy: wp-config.php
  11. Open this file ,and scroll to this section at approx line 17:

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //

    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here');

    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'username_here');

    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here');

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

  12. Change 'database_name_here' to 'wpSQLdbBlogA' or whatever you named your MySQL database.
  13. Change 'username_here' to your Arvixe MySQL database username (e.g 'wpSQLdbUsername'
  14. Change 'password_here' to your Arvixe MySQL database password (e.g. 'wpSQLdbPassword$')
  15. For the last define, 'localhost' - leave this alone. Arvixe uses 'localhost'
  16. Save this file 'wp-config.php'
  17. Create a new website on Arvixe and use FileZilla to upload this WordPress installation to your Arvixe website.
  18. Note: if you want to use this as a blog, as part of a larger ASP.Net website, add a blog directory to that website, and upload it to the blog directory.